Friday, January 29, 2010

Peanut Butter Balls

Elise and I have been livin’ it up vegan style since January 2nd. Since we both have a taste for all things sugary, we have found some sweet vegan treats to munch on. Our favorite so far…PEANUT BUTTER BALLS! They are delicious and insanely easy to make!

It only calls for four ingredients (you can add whatever you want though). Put them together and what do you get...


Friday, January 22, 2010

Terrarium Fail

.After finding this lovely project on, Elise (a.k.a Deloris) and I (a.k.a. Starski) embarked on quite the journey to Mile Square Park for the essential ingredient, MOSS, which we thought would be a simple task.
Along the way we ran into some very intriguing little creatures, like this excited little pup.
And this little fella who followed us around the lake.
After trudging through the grass we came upon this little treasure trove of dirt and worms, but no MOSS!
While our MOSS hunt was a complete fail, we were still able to walk out of the treasure trove with our heads held high.